
UNS #S42700

BG-42 VIM VAR is a double vacuum melted martensitic stainless high speed steel with excellent wear and corrosion resistance designed for critical applications and blade retention. The steel is vacuum induction melted VIM and vacuum arc remelted VAR to provide the extremely high cleanliness level required for fatigue critical applications while also exhibiting excellent edge retention in sheet form. The molybdenum in the steel engances the corrosion resistance provided by the high chromium content. In addition, the chromium, molybdenum, and vanadium content provide approximately 19% carbide volume in the steel to enhance its wear resistance.

Type Analysis

  • Carbon (Maximum) 1.15
  • Silicon (Maximum) 0.3
  • Manganese (Maximum) 0.5
  • Chromium (Nominal) 14.5
  • Molybdenum (Maximum) 4
  • Zirconium (Nominal) 1.2


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