GADS Vitallium

UNS #R31539

Micro-Melt GADS Vitallium alloy is a non-magnetic, cobalt-chromium-molybdenum wrought alloy exhibiting high strength, corrosion resistance, and wear resistance. Its attributes inlcude a homogeneous chemistry and microstructure, small, uniformly distributed carbides, fine austenitic grain size, improved forgeability and machinability, and it retains a high strength level after high temperature annealing. This alloy is a powder metallurgy version of BioDur CCM with purposeful additions of rare-earth lanthanides for dispersion strengthening. This provides increases strength and fatigue performance. This alloy is equivalent to ASTM F 1537 Alloy #3 and meets the requirements of ASTM F1537, as well as ASTM F799 without thermalmechanical processing. Produced by vacuum induction melting (VIM) followed by gas atomization and hot isostatic pressing to produce 100% dense billets, these billets are then processed by conventional steel-making practices to produce finished products.

Type Analysis

  • Carbon (Maximum) 0.15
  • Silicon (Maximum) 1
  • Nickel (Nominal) 0.5
  • Chromium (Nominal) 26.00-30.00
  • Cobalt (Nominal) Balance
  • Molybdenum (Nominal) 5.00-7.00
  • Iron (Nominal) 0.75
  • Nitrogen (Nominal) 0.25


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Applicable Specifications

  • ASTM F1537
  • ASTM F799


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